LMAC Livingston Model Aircraft Club
Precision Aerobatics Edge540T 50cc Petrol 2.1m wingspan
Deciding when you are ready to move up to a bigger model is difficult but it comes down to having done enough flying hours to know you are proficient, can fly safely and having a minimum of a SAA Bronze certificate.
The advantages are a more realistic flight, large wing area, less fidgety and more tolerant of weather conditions and with the petrol engine, cheap to run. Also looks and sounds great!
The disadvantages are, cost, transport and storage.
This model was purchased to practice aerobatic flying schedules and to hopefully take part in IMAC competitions. This requires a scale model of any size, with a pilot figure on board.
The model is also capable of flying many 3D manoeuvres, although the model set up required is different from IMAC, a compromise can be achieved.
Specifications: (Note: this model in no longer manufactured)

DA50-R with Ignition, slim line Pitts Muffler, with Menz 24 x 8 Prop Carbon undercarriage upgrade
JR 921 2.4Ghz DSM2 Receiver with 2 satellites
4 x JR DS8411 High Torque Digital Servos (Ailerons, Elevator)
1 x JR DS8511 High Torque Digital Servo for Rudder
2 x Standard Futaba Servos for Throttle and Choke.
FlightPower 8A Voltage Regulator
2 x LiPo 2s 1600 Overlander 25c Receiver Batteries
1* Sanyo Eneloop 4.8v 2000mA Ignition Battery
Petrol with 50:1 Castrol TT Super 2 Stroke oil Heavy duty switches and wiring used throughout, and sleeved with braid for protection.
Aluminium servo arms and high quality Pushrods used throughout.All hinge lines sealed with clear Profilm.
Flying notes:
Firstly – fantastic! After your nerves calm down and you start to relax and get the ‘feel’ for the plane, it is a real pleasure. It goes exactly where you put it and responds in a very precise manor. As you would expect with this type of model, the only limitations to aerobatic performance is down to the pilot’s skill. With the large wing area and light airframe, comes low wing loading. This enables the plane to fly slowly when required and makes landing a breeze. What’s not to like?